How we help improve your AI models with multilingual data services

By Acclaro
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Your AI model speaks English fluently, but what about Mandarin, Spanish, or Hindi?  People worldwide expect to interact with AI in their native languages and for AI to be able to accurately perform tasks (like translation or content generation) that span multiple languages.

For AI models to perform equally well across all languages, they need to be trained on tremendous amounts of multilingual data—but not all data is created equal. The adage “garbage in, garbage out” applies here. The challenge lies in obtaining high-quality, multilingual datasets that improve AI model performance across different languages and cultures.

Multilingual data services, which involve generating, collecting, translating, and processing (tagging, cleaning, and annotating) data in multiple languages, are the key to creating AI models that are more inclusive and less biased, culturally aware, and capable of delivering superior results globally.

These services enable you to train your AI models with diverse and representative data for improved accuracy and reliability. They also help mitigate biases in training data, avoiding insensitive or offensive responses. And lastly, they support the development of AI models that can understand and respond appropriately to users from different linguistic backgrounds, improving user experience and engagement.

In what use cases are multilingual AI datasets needed?

Multilingual AI data is transforming various fields with its versatile applications. Here are just a few of the most compelling use cases:

  • AI-powered neural machine translation (NMT): Breaks down language barriers for effective communication anywhere
  • Document analysis: AI models can be used to analyze and categorize documents, saving time on tedious manual reviews. For example, legal firms often use AI for eDiscovery, sifting through reams of documents and data so they can focus on what’s important.
  • AI assistants: virtual helpers that respond to inquiries in human-like languages in text or voice format
  • Content generation: creating content from scratch for many different purposes
  • Customer support and chatbots: Provides instant help in any language for improved customer satisfaction.
  • Content localization: Customizes content for local markets, driving engagement.
  • Sentiment analysis: Deciphers emotions from social media and reviews in multiple languages, offering valuable insights.
  • Cross-language information retrieval: Finds the right info, no matter the language of the query.
  • Elearning tools: Bring educational content to people in their native languages.
  • Content moderation: Maintains global standards for user-generated content. Multilingual content moderation can be labor-intensive and even traumatize the people responsible for removing unethical and illegal content; AI can help ease this burden.
  • Market analysis: Monitors trends and consumer behavior worldwide.

These use cases show the potential of AI data to connect the world, making technology more accessible and effective for everyone—as long as it has the appropriate data.

What are multilingual data services?

Multilingual data services involve a vendor gathering and refining various types of data (audio, text, image) across multiple languages to prepare it for use in A model training.

This can include generating, annotating, categorizing, cleaning, and tagging multilingual data. Native-speaking experts can review the data, ensuring that it’s accurate and relevant and adding additional context or feedback if necessary. This approach helps train the AI model more precisely so it can respond and function accurately across different languages and cultures. These services are vital for making AI models globally effective and counteracting bias and toxicity, giving your models and AI-powered apps the multilingual edge they need.

Large language models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, predict patterns and create content based on the vast amount of data they are trained on. However, to tap into this technology’s true global potential, these models need to be able to do that in every language, accurately and without bias.

Multilingual data services make this possible by giving the model the high-quality data it needs to:

Improve accuracy and performance

Multilingual data sharpens the accuracy of language models with more diverse data sets that better represent the real world. This allows AI models to perform better in multilingual tasks like translation and sentiment analysis. For example, an AI model trained on multilingual data can accurately translate idiomatic expressions and detect sentiments in different languages, leading to more reliable outputs.

Increase global reach and inclusivity

AI models that understand multiple languages connect with a broader audience. They enable businesses to engage with a wider audience, providing services and support in the customer’s native language. In the real world, this looks like:

  • Global customer service platforms, supporting customers from around the world
  • International e-commerce websites that can sell to anyone, anywhere
  • Multilingual virtual assistants and many other applications that require a firm grasp of the finer points of multiple languages.

Guarantee cultural sensitivity and nuance

Multilingual data helps AI systems grasp cultural contexts and nuances, which is essential for generating culturally appropriate responses. This sensitivity boosts user trust and satisfaction, making interactions feel natural and respectful.

For instance, AI models that understand regional dialects and cultural references can offer more personalized and relevant interactions, fostering trust and satisfaction among users.

Investing in multilingual data services makes your AI accurate, inclusive, and culturally aware, improving your global user experience.

Where does multilingual data come from?

To train effective AI models, we need high-quality multilingual data, and lots of it. Where does it come from? There are several potential sources, each with their pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at the key sources of this data and their unique benefits and challenges.

User-generated content

Social media, forums, and other online platforms are gold mines for multilingual data. They capture everyday language and a variety of expressions. However, the quality can be inconsistent, and managing large amounts of unstructured data is challenging. Still, this content is invaluable for teaching AI to understand real-world communication.

Professionally translated content

Experts carefully curate data from professional translation projects, guaranteeing high accuracy and quality. This reliable, consistent data makes an excellent resource for AI training.

When the data in question is from your translation projects, the benefits become even more powerful- the AI model not only becomes more accurate but also learns your preferred tone, word choices, and style for more consistent results requiring less post-editing.

Open data and public sources

Government documents, public records, and open data initiatives offer accessible and reliable multilingual data. These sources are often free and cover a wide range of languages. However, accessibility can be limited by bureaucratic restrictions, and ethical considerations must be addressed when using sensitive information.

Proprietary data

Companies and organizations collect proprietary data for specific purposes, often resulting in highly specialized multilingual datasets. This data is tailored to meet the specific needs of an organization, making it directly applicable to their unique requirements. Privacy and regulatory compliance, such as GDPR, are crucial when handling this data. Protective measures must be taken to safeguard user information and maintain ethical standards.

The role of language services providers

Partnering with a language services provider (LSP) offers distinct advantages for training multilingual AI models.

Here’s why using an LSP for multilingual data services could be just what you need to help improve your AI models.

Expertise in language and localization

LSPs have access to a team of experts who understand linguistic subtleties, cultural contexts, and regional dialects. This expertise prevents common errors and biases from becoming incorporated into your training data.

For example, suppose there are more male doctors than female doctors in your training data. In that case, your AI model may begin to assume all doctors are male, creating the opportunity for offensive mistakes in your model’s responses. This can be corrected with additional AI training, but you’ll need expert linguists to identify potential issues.

Localization partners have access to a worldwide pool of native speakers with diverse backgrounds, allowing you to test prompts across a wide range of languages and demographics more efficiently.

Quality assurance and consistency

LSPs provide data quality and consistency through rigorous validation and verification methods. These include multiple rounds of reviews, automated checks, and human oversight from skilled translators. This process guarantees that the data used for training AI models is consistent and reliable, sharpening your model’s performance. They employ language specialists who assess fluency, grammar, and adherence to the intended meaning, providing valuable feedback to refine the LLM’s training data and algorithms.

Data privacy and security

Maintaining privacy and security in multilingual data services is crucial. Language service providers adhere to strict data protection regulations, such as GDPR, and industry standards. They implement strong security measures to protect sensitive information, assuring compliance and building client trust.

Customization and scalability

LSPs tailor their data services to meet your specific needs, offering customized solutions that address unique requirements. They also have the capability to scale data collection and processing for large projects, providing flexible and efficient services. For example, with a localization partner, you can conserve resources by focusing on under-represented languages and using our pool of native speakers to refine prompts and outputs for languages that don’t have enough training data.

You need multilingual data to build AI models that truly perform on a global scale. Through our multilingual data services, we equip your AI models to perform more accurately, sensitively, and successfully worldwide. Partnering with us gives you the advantage of expert linguists, thorough quality assurance, and scalable solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Ready to take your AI to the next level? Contact us today to get started.

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